Sometimes you or one of your loved ones may need a break, because a carer is going away or will be unavailable to help support.
Ideal for providing assistance for carers, or to provide a reassuring visit for residents if they are thinking of Gracelands becoming their home in the future.
Respite care can be arranged for a short period of a few days or a longer period of weeks or months. Many people enjoying living here so much they never want to leave!
It can be difficult for friends and relatives when loved ones enter a care home, and sometimes a respite stay can help to reassure that residential care at Gracelands is the best option to offer personalised care.
As part of our commitment to tackling loneliness, we provide a free Sunday Lunch at Gracelands for any elderly person who may be lonely and may benefit from coming to join us for Sunday Lunch and a chat.
This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who may otherwise be alone to meet new friends and enjoy a leisurely lunch in a homely environment.
Please contact us if you know someone this could be useful for.

Day care is a service for people still living in their own homes, but may benefit from visiting Gracelands during the day to allow them to have some help with daily activities, care or meal times. This can be a huge benefit for the person visiting but equally friends and relatives by providing a much needed break from care or providing reassurance that their loved one is having a hot meal.
Day services are for those are struggling with their needs during the day but are able to manage on an evening and overnight or have someone to support them at these times. Day Services can also be accessed to give an informal carer (family or friend) a break from their caring role.
Day care can allow people to socialise, stay active, get out of their on homes and get a change of scenery, whilst remaining as
independent as possible.