The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, inspecting and assessing in the categories of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well led.
Gracelands most recent inspection gave us a rating of Good Overall, with some highly positive feedback from the inspectors, some of which you can see below. You can read the full report by clicking on the link to the right.
What CQC said about us
We are proud of our inspection results with some extracts from the inspection report below
People said they felt safe living at Gracelands Care Home. Comments included:
"I feel safe here and I am really well looked after",
"It's a happy, friendly environment. I would recommend Gracelands Care Home."
The provider was committed to their staff team. The registered manager told us, "Gracelands Care Home has worked incredibly hard to make sure our staff have the resources and opportunities to grow, both professionally and personally. We know that our staff work in care because they want to improve the lives of our residents, and we want to make sure their efforts are rewarded."
People, relatives and staff described an open, honest culture which empowered people and staff. One member of staff told us, "[Registered manager] is an outstanding manager and so [Care manager's name]. Both go the extra mile to facilitate any queries any of us have, always taking time to talk to us and show an interest in everyone's well-being."
People, relatives and staff told us there was enough staff on duty. Comments included, "There always appears to be enough staff around", "There is enough staff. They are always very attentive and have time to chat whenever I visit", and "When I use the call bell staff always come promptly."
The provider and managers recognised that investing in their staff team had positive impact on the delivery of care and support provided. A member of staff told us, "Because we feel valued, we strive to be the best we can be and aim to provide the best care possible to each person."
Visitors were welcomed into Gracelands Care Home at any time and no restrictions were in place. One relative told us, "I am able to visit at any time and I am always made to feel welcome. It really is a fabulous home and I have never had any problems."
● Risks to people were thoroughly assessed, recorded and updated when changes occurred. Risk assessments were person-centred and focused on people's individual care and support needs, whilst promoting independenc
The provider had received accreditation with Investors in People. This meant the service was meeting the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support, and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results.
People and relatives described an open culture where issues, concerns or shortfalls could be openly discussed. One relative said, "They (management) have gone out of their way to reassure me."
Since 1991 Investors in People has set the standard for better people management. Internationally recognised accreditation is held by 14,000 organisations across the world. The Standard defines what it takes to lead, support and manage people well for sustainable results.
Gracelands is committed values of Investors in People and is currently working towards achieving Investors in People.

Gracelands has continually maintained a 5 star rating, which is reassessed annually.

ISO 9001:2008 is an internationally recognised award provided by CQS (Certified Quality Systems) which is recognised worldwide. This certification is viewed as a proactive and positive move by existing and prospective clients/customers. It is a statement about an organisation, its commitment towards quality and the importance you place on ensuring the service you provide to your customers is of the highest standard meeting your customers needs.
Gracelands has achieved an ISO 9001: 2008 in Quality of Management Systems.

The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)
CHAS is a visible and credible leader in Health and Safety management. They help businesses and organisations manage their Health and Safety risks and safeguard their reputation.
With 720 buyer members, over 62,000 suppliers on its database and 130 freelance assessors, CHAS is not only the largest but also the fastest growing health and safety assessment scheme in the UK.
Gracelands is currently working towards achieving CHAS.